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Chemistry I

General Chemistry I, Principles of Chemistry, provides a foundational understanding of essential facts, theories, and laboratory techniques necessary for further studies in the sciences. The course is designed for students planning careers in the physical, chemical, or biological sciences, as well as engineering, geology, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and physical therapy.
Topics covered include matter and energy, measurements, significant figures, the metric system, chemical formulas, stoichiometry, atomic structure, quantum mechanics, chemical bonding, molecular structure, gases, liquids and solids, solutions, and colligative properties. Special emphasis is placed on foundational concepts and practical skills needed for success in advanced science courses and related professions.

Module Breakdown:

In this 4-credit, 12-week course, you will explore 11 modules covering a wide range of chemistry topics. Each module includes a lecture, sample documentation, reflections, self-directed activities, quizzes, laboratory reports and a summary to reinforce learning.

Tuition: $400

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